Meyer   Riegger

Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec) Henrik Håkansson

15.09.12 – 13.10.12 Solo Exhibition Meyer Riegger, Berlin


Meyer Riegger is pleased to present the first solo show by the artist Henrik Håkansson in our Berlin gallery. In his work Henrik Håkansson addresses (natural) cycles, which are the symbolic subjects of his work, and are embedded within it on a physical level. Theses fragments of nature, which the artist transfers into a cultural context, result in almost surreal spatial ensembles and situations – in his work, culture and nature are simultaneously understood as reference, result and essence. …


Meyer Riegger freut sich, die erste Einzelausstellung des Künstlers Henrik Håkansson in ihren Berliner Galerieräumen zu präsentieren. Henrik Håkansson bezieht sich in seinen Arbeiten auf (Natur-)Kreisläufe, die er in seinem Werk symbolisch thematisiert und konkret einbettet. Es sind Fragmente des Natürlichen, die der Künstler in einen kulturellen Kontext überführt und so nahezu surreale Raumgefüge und Situationen erzeugt – wobei Kultur und Natur in seinen Arbeiten zugleich als Referenz, …

Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec)
Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec)
Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec)
Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec)
Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec)
Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec)
Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec)
Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec)
Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec)
Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec)
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Aug.11, 2012 The Symptoms of the Universe Studies. (6 min 29 sec)

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