Meyer   Riegger

Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World (or How to prepare under the table for a violent world) Eva Koťátková

29.04.22 – 16.07.22 Solo Exhibition Meyer Riegger, Berlin


Blankets Anna cannot bear to sleep covered. She resists contact with the blanket as if it is something that irritates her skin or weighs on her body, as if they had placed a boulder on her. She sleeps restlessly; in her sleep she has to rescue dragons because otherwise they would exterminate them. On the other hand, she likes throwing blankets over herself during the day. She has no problem sitting or standing under them, she enjoys speaking through them (she likes the effect the material has …


Decken Anna kann nicht zugedeckt schlafen. Gegen den Kontakt mit der Bettdecke wehrt sie sich, als ob sie ihre Haut reizt oder schwer auf ihrem Körper lastet, als hätte man einen großen Felsklotz auf sie draufgelegt. Sie schläft unruhig, sie muss im Schlaf Drachen retten, weil die sonst ausgerottet werden. Tagsüber wirft sie sich die Decken aber gerne über. Ewig lang kann sie darunter sitzen oder stehen, spricht auch gern durch sie hindurch (sie mag das, was der Stoff mit ihrer Stimme macht). …

Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
Monster 1 (protective skin)
Monster 1 (protective skin)
Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
Heavy Dreams (Weight of the world on One´s Head)
Heavy Dreams (Weight of de World on One´s Head)
Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
from the series Blakets, Monsters, Anna and the World
from the series Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
Asking About the World and Its Injuries
Asking About the World and Its Injuries
from the series Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
from the series Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
Walking Bush (Dreaming About a Forest)
Walking Bush (Dreaming About a Forest)
from the series Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
from the series Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
from the series Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
from the series Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World
Monster 2 (for Dreaming)
Monster 2 (for Dreaming)
Monster (for Hugging)
Monster 3 (for Hugging)
Blankets, Monsters, Anna and the World (or How to prepare under the table for a violent world)

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