Meyer   Riegger

Diary of a stomach Eva Koťátková

28.04.17 – 24.06.17 Solo exhibition Meyer Riegger, Berlin


from The Diary of a Stomach: Friday, the early hours of the morning The arrival of new things. As usual I have no idea of their size, number or shape. They drop here at irregular intervals. It isn’t a terribly considerate way of dealing with things. The new arrivals bump into those that have been lying here some time. I have no influence even on this. Then there’s an attempt to identify and record. What if there was an inspection? They are sorted into different piles. Satisfactory, partly …


aus dem Tagebuch eines Magens: Freitag, in den frühen Morgenstunden Die Ankunft neuer Dinge. Wie gewohnt, habe ich keine Vorstellung von ihrer Größe, Zahl oder Form. Sie fallen hier in unregelmäßigen Abständen ein. Das ist keine besonders rücksichtsvolle Vorgehensweise. Die Neuankömmlinge stoßen mit denen zusammen, die schon seit geraumer Zeit hier herumliegen. Auch darauf habe ich keinen Einfluss. Dann erfolgt ein Versuch der Identifikation und Registration. Was würde passieren, wenn jetzt …

Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
from the series Diary of a stomach
from the series Diary of a stomach
from the series Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
from the series Diary of a stomach
from the series Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
from the series Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
from the series Diary of a stomach
from the series Diary of a stomach
from the series Diary of a stomach
from the series Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
from the series Diary of a stomach
Opening the stomach: Collective autopsy
Opening the stomach: Collective autopsy
Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
Diary of a stomach
birds and cages
Becaming a bird or a cage (depending on the occasion)
Diary of a stomach

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