Meyer   Riegger

Eye away, to a rainbow deep inside Uwe Henneken

14.03.14 – 10.05.14 Solo Exhibition Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe


The eye, and with it the shape of the circle and sphere has been a subject of Uwe Henneken´s painting for many years. Circular cutouts of landscapes, bubble-like rooms, planets, the bright corona of a fictitious celestial body, masks with multicoloured eye sockets, as well as the eyes of his painting´s characters themselves: fantastical figures, ramblers, onlookers, seers, searchers, discoverers, dervishes. The schlemihl is a particular figure in Henneken´s puppet theatre, wandering through the …


Das Auge, und mit ihm verbunden die Form des Kreises und der Kugel, ist seit vielen Jahren Bildgegenstand in der Malerei von Uwe Henneken. Kreisrunde Ausschnitte von Landschaften, blasenartige Räume, Planeten, die leuchtende Corona eines fiktiven Gestirns, Masken mit bunten Augenhöhlen und nicht zuletzt die Augen seiner Figuren selbst: fantastische Gestalten, Wanderer, Schauende, Sehende, Suchende, Entdeckende, Sich-Im-Kreis-Drehende. Insbesondere der Schlemihl ist solch eine Figur in Hennekens …

Eye away, to a rainbow deep inside
Eye away, to a rainbow deep inside
Eye away, to a rainbow deep inside
Eye away, to a rainbow deep inside
When love comes down - Salome (star-spangled)
Let's pretend we're strangers for tonight
Free days
The silence is unusually loud tonight
There the road begins, where another one will end
A strange sound of nothing fills my eyes
Eye away, to a rainbow deep inside
Eye in the sky
I´ve broke my heart so many times
Here I am, it's me, I'm here
Eye away, to a rainbow deep inside

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