Meyer   Riegger

I thought, I had lost half a soul here Tamina Amadyar Hangama Amiri Horst Antes Katinka Bock Miriam Cahn Eva & Dana Koťátková Jeewi Lee Paulo Nazareth Salvo Michael Schmidt Mike Silva Feier Yu Meng Zhang

17.01.25 – 22.02.25 Group exhibition Meyer Riegger, Berlin


The group exhibition I thought, I had lost half a soul here delves into the many possible interpretations of “home”, as well as, crucially, the absence of such a sanctuary. Through the distinct perspectives of twelve artists, the paintings, drawings, photographs, textile works and sculptures explore themes of belonging, refuge, shelter, displacement and coexistence. The title of the exhibition itself is drawn from the poem Aachen (2016) by Meng Zhang (1983, Tianjin, China), who studied …


Die Gruppenausstellung I thought, I had lost half a soul here thematisiert die vielen möglichen Bedeutungen von „Home“ sowie die Erfahrung, keinen solchen Zufluchtsort zu haben. Aus den Perspektiven von zwölf Künstler:innen erkunden die Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Fotografien, Textilarbeiten und Skulpturen Themen wie Zugehörigkeit, Schutz, Heimatlosigkeit, Zuflucht und Koexistenz. Der Titel der Ausstellung stammt aus dem Gedicht Aachen (2016) von Meng Zhang (1983, Tianjin, China). Zhang studierte …

I thought, I had lost half a soul here
What if...
Untitled (from Berlin Wedding)
harvest moon
Past Tense (series)
Past Tense_31
Bedroom Interior
Rotes Haus
Pueblos originarios de Sudamérica
Senza titolo
Haji Saleh Zadah, Goldsmith
Sahar, Nail Salon and Eyelash Extensions #3
At Nowhere No.1 (Nirgendwo)
I thought, I had lost half a soul here

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