Meyer   Riegger

The Big Mirror Ján Mančuška

17.01.15 – 14.03.15 Solo Exhibition Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe


In The Big Mirror we focus on the gallery‘s long-time co-operation with the great artist and our close friend Jan Mančuška. A series of very open self-portraits by the artist, who passed away in 2011, are the main focus of the exhibition. We aim to introduce Jan Mančuška not only as an artist, but also as a person, through several works, some of them never publicly shown before. A recurrent theme in these pieces, the mirror, becomes a symbol of our perception of the artist, while simultaneously …


Mit The Big Mirror möchten wir an die langjährige Zusammenarbeit mit dem grossartigen Künstler und persönlichen Freund Jan Mančuška anknüpfen. Dabei stellen wir in einer Reihe von offen gehaltenen Selbstportraits den 2011 verstorbenen Künstler ins Zentrum der Ausstellung. In unterschiedlichen teilweise noch nie gezeigten Arbeiten wollen wir nicht nur den Künstler, sondern auch den Menschen Jan Mančuška vorstellen. Dabei wird der Spiegel, der in verschiedenen Arbeiten auftaucht, zum Symbol …

The Big Mirror
The Big Mirror
From Wall to Wall
From wall to wall
From wall to wall
The Big Mirror
The Other (I asked my wife to blacken all parts of my body I cannot see)
The Other (I asked my wife to blacken all parts of my body I cannot see)
The Other (I asked my wife to blacken all parts of my body I cannot see)
The Other (I asked my wife to blacken all parts of my body I cannot see)
The Other (I asked my wife to blacken all parts of my body I cannot see)
The Other (I asked my wife to blacken all parts of my body I cannot see)
The Other (I asked my wife to blacken all parts of my body I cannot see)
The Big Mirror
From A to B and Back again
From A to B and Back Again
The Big Mirror

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