Meyer   Riegger

Not A Cloud In The Sky (a summer group show) Jonathan Monk

05.07.24 – 31.08.24 Solo exhibition Meyer Riegger, Berlin


Free Association with a Conceptual Price Tag In the mid-nineties, the cable television channel Cartoon Network ran an advert to promote its own programming that centred around the concept of an interconnected cartoon universe. In this short animation, the character Velma was said to be the central point of the Cartoon Network cosmos and it referred to her as “a giant celestial body that is in some way linked to every toon alive”. The concept was simple, if you took any character from any …


Freie Assoziation mit konzeptionellem Preisschild Mitte der 1990er Jahre warb der Kabelfernsehsender Cartoon Network mit einem Werbespot für sein Programm. Die kurze Animation drehte sich um das Konzept eines zusammenhängenden Cartoon-Universums, in dessen Mittelpunkt die Figur Velma stand, die als eine Art „gigantischer Himmelskörper“ dargestellt wurde, „der mit allen lebenden Cartoon-Figuren verbunden ist“. Das Konzept war einfach: Von jeder beliebigen Figur in den Sendungen des Cartoon …

Not A Cloud In The Sky (a summer group show)
€1000 Sunset series
€1000 Sunset 04Mar24
This Painting (Kawara/Levine)
A Build Up of Residue
What is Seen is Described, what is Described is Seen IV
Après Sun I–V
Après Sun II
Holiday Painting (Tenerife 26 May £199)
Heavy Metal Painting (Deep Purple)
Black Sunset
Untitled (for Nina and Dana)
Roman Holiday Re-imagined
Sunset over Sunset I–III
Mark Rothko Sunset
Mark Rothko Sunset
Restaurant Drawing (AeB Order/disorder) series
Restaurant Drawing (CW FOOL) series
Restaurant Drawing (CW FOOL)
Restaurant Drawing (SALVO)
Not A Cloud In The Sky (a summer group show)
